Got tapes? Take the guesswork out of Tape Management

Solution Guides

How Data Restoration and Migration Services can help get a handle on legacy media. Iron Mountain’s Data Restoration and Migration Services (DRMS) offer end-to-end solutions, customized to meet your requirements.

February 22, 20246 mins
Got Tapes? Take the Guesswork Out Of Tape Management- a team of professionals

Most organizations’ data is scattered and growing exponentially, making it difficult to manage. Whether you have an e-discovery request or want to move rich media content to the cloud, it’s hard to know what data you have, where it lives and how to find it fast when you need it most. You need cost-effective, flexible services to help you discover, restore and migrate your data.

Iron Mountain’s Data Restoration and Migration Services 

Iron Mountain’s Data Restoration and Migration Services (DRMS) offer end-to-end solutions that move data from one data source, such as a backup tape, to another storage target like the cloud. Restoration services provide tape identification, cataloging and backup file restoration, so you can decommission legacy systems but retain access to your data. For example, perhaps you inherited tapes through a merger or acquisition or need to digitize media to stream content, but you need help determining what’s on those tapes and what to restore or migrate.

Use the chart below to select and customize the services that best fit your needs.

Got Tapes? Take The Guesswork Out Of Tape Management - Service and Capabilities

A trusted vendor to help get control of your data 

Each organization has different data needs. Iron Mountain is the only vendor with solutions — one time or program-based - that can help you discover, restore and migrate your data while also helping you remain compliant, save money and reduce your tape management burden. Here’s how we’re helping organizations like yours:

Media & Entertainment 

  • Move files in their native format to another platform
  • Digitize content rich files for easy online streaming and monetization
  • Preserve assets for long-term archiving


  • Improve efficiency of data restores across multiple sites
  • Eliminate hard IT costs to lower overall TCO
  • Retire legacy backup environments and migrate to the cloud

Financial services 

  • Retire legacy backup environments and migrate to the cloud
  • Comply with long term retention policies and regulations
  • Store, manage and restore legacy data as needed

Any industry 

  • Cost effectively convert and migrate data
  • Leverage multiple services with one provider
  • Reduce the cost of backup operations