Large bank uses Clean Start to quickly and securely move forward with M&A activity

Customer Success Stories

When a large financial institution acquired a smaller bank, there were redundancies in office locations, with over 30 branches and regional offices identified as candidates for closure.

7 May 20248 mins
Clean Start Bank

Facing challenges in coordinating the various M&A-driven changes, while also focusing on the security of sensitive information and assets located at impacted locations, the bank turned to Iron Mountain Clean Start for help.


  • Redundancies in office locations after an acquisition of a smaller bank, with over 30 branches and regional offices identified as candidates for closure
  • Sensitive information and assets located at each impacted location
  • Difficulty coordinating resources and closure processes across multiple locations


Iron Mountain Clean Start®


  • Expertise and resources to organise and secure assets from the branches and office locations to rapidly prepare for closure
  • Secure cataloguing, transportation, storage, and/or environmentally friendly disposal of hundreds of pieces of IT equipment and over 250,000 documents
  • Quick project execution, with a focus on security and compliance protocols

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