Data Restoration and Migration Services

Digital solutions

Cloud Migration And Data Recovery Services

Migrate your database to the cloud to easily restore and recover archived or backed-up data.

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Why you need cloud migration and data recovery services

Knowing what legacy backup data you have becomes critical any time you’re faced with an audit, litigation or discovery request. But as your media library becomes larger and increasingly complex – and includes multiple media types – keeping track of everything is no easy task. And when you struggle to locate and restore the required data in a timely manner, it can open your organisation up to considerable financial and brand risk along with skyrocketing costs. Enter the rationale for managed services.

Data restoration and migration

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customer contract management

Compliance Requests


Migrating Data to a New System

visitor access

Legal Holds

Minimise disruption across IT resources, IT budget and IT infrastructure through a managed services model

Data is at the core of every business. As data growth and sprawl has become the norm today, regrettably, IT staff, budget and infrastructure has not grown alongside it. While it's critical for organisations to retain information for compliance and regulatory requirements, the time and expense for locating and restoring specific elements of that data typically falls on IT.

Reduce the headaches associated with tape management

While tape and other media are secure and reliable, these storage devices require manual processes that are often time consuming and complex. As a result, you could spend days or weeks - and your limited IT budget - looking for data when you need it most.

Remove the time and cost of having to migrate data to new systems and ensure that you can easily and quickly find and retrieve that data

Even the most sophisticated organisations can become inundated with data retrieval requests. After all, the volume of data being preserved today is staggering: more than 90 percent of new corporate data is generated electronically. Application and infrastructure complexity only adds to the difficulty as more than 70 percent of that data is stored on disparate systems scattered throughout the enterprise.

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How Iron Mountain data recovery & cloud migration services can help you

Iron Mountain Data Restoration and Migration Services is a fully managed solution designed to support the specific needs of your digital transformation agenda bridging the gap between physical and digital. It provides seamless, secure access to backup tape and other storage media-based information while enabling a high-speed on-ramp to any cloud or any location.

Experience the benefits and explore the full suite cloud storage and data management services that Iron Cloud has to offer.

Iron Mountain data backup and restoration services

Identify and restore data in the time you need it. Iron Mountain Malaysia provides a managed, scalable service to securely archive data offsite and restore specific data on-demand, in the event of a compliance or legal discovery. The process is auditable, defensible and repeatable, with a predictable cost. Iron Mountain® Restoration Assurance Programme helps you know what data to keep, for how long, and gives you the ability to recover from legacy media when you need it.

  • Offsite Tape Vaulting

    Enjoy peace of mind knowing your archival tapes are securely stored in climate-controlled facilities with quick, easy access when you need it

  • Cloud Backup

    Flexible, on-demand cloud backup and restoration service with end-to-end encryption to replicate data off-site so it is protected yet available for fast and efficient recovery

  • Cloud Archive

    Pay-as-you-use long-term cloud data storage for compliance, conservation or value-creation, strengthened with enterprise-class SLAs, stringent security protocols and near-infinite scalability

  • Disaster Recovery

    Hybrid cloud solution to protect critical data and applications, and minimise downtime due to disaster

  • Managed Restoration

    Ensures that your archival tapes can be restored and data can be migrated at any time and at a predictable cost, without the worry and cost of maintaining legacy backup systems and hardware

Iron Mountain Database Migration Services

Data migration can be a complex, time-consuming and risky process, but having the right expertise and support can ensure a smooth and successful transition with minimal downtime and disruption to operations. Partner with Iron Mountain Malaysia for a hassle-free cloud database migration process and enjoy the scalability, flexibility, and cost savings of cloud storage. Our cloud migration experts are experienced in identifying potential issues and address them proactively, reducing the risk of data loss or security breaches during the migration process.

This solution includes:

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Managed restoration services

Litigation and compliance request? Easily locate the information regardless of systems used to backup that data

Companies are seeing a higher volume of legacy data requests in response to litigation, regulatory investigations and internal requests. But keeping infrastructure for legacy backup tape, database, and email systems tie up valuable space in your data centre and are expensive to maintain.

Iron Mountain’s Managed Restoration service helps you restore archived data regardless of the software and equipment used to place that data on the tape and the format of the media. You can be confident that each request to locate information from your backed up data will be handled with precision, professionalism and predictable cost.

Don’t spend time and money managing legacy systems to respond to litigation requests

Litigation requests take time and effort to produce information from a large number of legacy backup tapes. And if you’ve recently upgraded your tape library and backup systems, it will likely require a considerable amount of time to access and read your old tapes using outdated hardware and software.

Iron Mountain can manage the process around finding, retrieving and delivering old data in a readable format in the event of a litigation or compliance request.

Media migration service

Ensure you’re complying with your industry regulations on data retention and format

Keeping your company’s data in a secure, current format is a time-consuming and strenuous task. In addition, a host of government regulations, such as SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4, require the creation and storage of numerous types of records for set lengths of time in specific formats under strict security parameters.

Iron Mountain’s Media Migration solution migrates data into the appropriate format and encrypts it without interrupting your everyday data backup practice —without stretching your staff and budget.

Design an appropriate data protection and retention process to mitigate risk

The reality is that the data you may need to compile to satisfy an audit or litigation request could reside in many different locations and media formats spanning decades. And producing that data in the right format can be a daunting task. You need to mitigate the risk of failing to comply or being unable to respond to these requests in a timely manner.

Migrate your business data into the right formats for secured retention and easy access in the future by using the Iron Mountain® Media Migration service. Our experts will help you understand specific regulations and design an optimal media migration and retention process. Having an optimal process will mitigate any audit and litigation risks by keeping the data protected, but easily accessible if it’s needed and all without disrupting the current backup processes and at a predictable cost.

Cloud seeding and database migration service

You’ve made some critical business decisions about how you want to utilise cloud storage. The next step now is getting your data into the cloud.

Leave cloud seeding to Iron Mountain, a reliable industry leader who can help you securely and efficiently migrate your data using high-speed infrastructure, trusted best practices, and auditable chain of custody.

Our Data Migration Services can help you to accelerate your digital transformation efforts with seamless data migration in and out of any cloud or location. Our services provide you the flexibility to retire some or all of your tape infrastructure with options between bulk or on-demand services, and at an affordable and predictable cost.

Iron Mountain Malaysia makes getting your data into the cloud simple, fast and economical:

  1. Save your data to your choice of media, and ship it to Iron Mountain through your preferred courier service
  2. Iron Mountain then uploads your data to the Google Cloud Platform using secure, high speed infrastructure using Iron Mountain's secure chain of custody best practices
  3. Once complete, Iron Mountain sends the hard drive (or data shuttle) back to you, store it within our vault or securely destroy it

Frequently asked questions about cloud migration & data recovery services

What are the risks associated with cloud data migration?

Cloud data migration carries certain risks, such as data loss, security breaches, and downtime. However, these risks can be mitigated by working with a reputable cloud migration service provider like Iron Mountain that has expertise in handling these types of issues.

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+603 5123 7688