Everyone plays a role: Gamze's story

Gamze Ergün is a commercial director for Iron Mountain in Istanbul, Turkey. As a member of the Women at Iron Mountain ERG and a mother, she wants to build a future built on equality and harmony.

October 12, 20222 mins
Gamze's story - everyone plays a role

Gamze Ergün is bridging the gap. She is a force for good in her role as Commercial Director and leader of the Women at Iron Mountain ERG in Istanbul, Turkey.

Gamze was born and raised in Istanbul. It is a city that thrives off of a rich history, beautiful culture, and unique geography. Every morning, Gamze travels across the river from the Anatolian side to the European side, literally across continents!

It is this perspective and vision that allows Gamze to see the bigger picture. As part of the Women at Iron Mountain ERG, she has realized that the problems women face in Istanbul are not all that different from the problems women face in Greece, or Dubai, India, or America.

“I have worked in male-dominated sectors both during my education and my internship periods. I was exposed to questions like, ‘Can she do it? Will she give up?’ I think that when a woman believes she can do it, she can really achieve anything.”

Because of that, it’s our shared responsibility to work to make our work environments more equitable, men and women alike. Gamze wants to see her own children grow up in a world where issues like income inequality, lack of representation at management levels, and general sexism in certain industries is a thing of the past.

“Each of us must take our own responsibility. Issues like income inequality or the lack of women in leadership are a problem for us all, men and women alike. A business built on equality brings more creativity and harmony for all.”

Gamze is doing her part to improve the working conditions of those around her. She is a prime example of a Mountaineer who is writing her own chapter within Iron Mountain’s broader ESG story.

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