Invoice information

Invoice informationmountain ranges

Guides and service information

Reading your invoice

This section is designed to help you understand the information that appears on your invoice.

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Access to online invoice services

Introducing Invoice Gateway, an online portal with features that will make payment processing, access to invoices, and invoice reports easier and more flexible. Here are some of the features of Invoice Gateway:

  • Archive Portal - Provides access to invoices to view or download PDF copies of your invoices, as well as access to preformatted invoice data files to download.
  • Payment portal - Provides the ability to view your outstanding balance per invoice, process payments online, and set up payment scheduling capabilities.

This section is designed to help you enroll your organization's Administrator in Invoice Gateway. Please note that access to invoice gateway requires receipt of the new invoice format.

How to sign up for invoice gateway
  • Proceed to
  • Select the Enroll Now tab and fill in the appropriate information in the form.
  • Once you’ve completed the form, be sure to select the Enroll button to complete your enrollment.
  • An activation email will be sent automatically to the email address you registered on the enrollment form.
  • Once activated, you will be able to sign in to Invoice Gateway from the homepage by clicking the Sign In tab.

Click Here to Open Invoice Gateway Enrollment Guide

Training Documentation & Demos

At Iron Mountain, we're focused on providing excellent service every day. We've listened to customers and are excited to announce a new invoice format and new invoicing services. This section contains reference documents, "how to's" and online demos to help you get started. Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to sign up and use Invoice Gateway, an online portal with features that will make payment processing, access to invoices, and invoice reports easier and more flexible. Invoice Gateway also provides you with access to invoice procedural and reference documents.

Invoice Package Options