How companies must manage the lifecycle of their records and data

Krishna Nacha of Iron Mountain highlights five factors organizations must consider to keep their information secure, including the implications of AI and ESG.

July 18, 20234 mins
How Companies Must Manage The Lifecycle Of Their Records And Data

In an opinion piece for Data Center Dynamics, Krishna Nacha, Senior Vice President and Headof North America and Latin America, highlights five key factors that organizations must considerto properly manage the lifecycle framework of their records and data.

With an evolving business landscape, organizations must be prepared to address the security oftheir information, including its collection, usage, storage, and safe disposal, as well as theimplications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ESG.

“This increased focus on data value and quality is leading to increased vigilance to ensure datasets are accurate, valid, complete, and current, with AI being used to detect incomplete,inconsistent, or outdated data,” said Nacha. “Data minimization efforts like these can lead tocost savings when obsolete data is no longer stored.”

Read more of what Krishna has to say here.

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