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Explore how Iron Mountain experts help healthcare organisations stay on top of information's retention schedules and ensure compliant handling of patient records.
A healthcare organization wanted to reduce cost and risk by destroying records that had met retention requirements. However, they were unable to easily and defensibly identify which records were eligible for destruction, as they lacked the budget required to undertake a long-term and labor-intensive discovery project. Constrained by limited resources, the organization’s push for defensible destruction was at a standstill.
Following the Smart Sort process, Iron Mountain’s team retrieved 48,000 cartons of records and reviewed the contents at the file-level. In real time, and with one touch of the file, they sorted and reboxed all files according to the retention schedule while identifying those records that were eligible for destruction.
Holding on to records longer than needed will only increase cost and risk over time. Stop wasting precious budget and resources simply to delay the inevitable. Turn chaos into compliance with this cost-effective solution that enables you to organise for efficiency, immediately destroy eligible information and, ultimately, eliminate unnecessary cost and risk from your records management program.
To learn more, contact your Iron Mountain account manager directly, or fill out this form to request more information. Include the words “Smart Sort” in the comments section.
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