digital transformation

Digital transformation: meaning, function, benefits, and stages.

What digital transformation means for organisations in managing critical assets in a hybrid physical and digital environment?

Transition from physical to digital in a unified asset framework, convert archives and unstructured data to structured, and discover valuable insights through automation.

Digital transformation is the process by which an organisation or company adopts digital technologies to change the way they operate, interact with customers, and create new value in their business. It involves the integration of digital transformation technologies in all aspects of the business, from internal management, operational processes, to customer experience. The digital transformation function is not just about adopting new technologies, but also about changing organisational culture, business processes and operational models to be more adaptive, responsive and innovative in this digital age.

There are so many aspects to digital transformation and each transformation journey is unique to your industry, purpose and goals. However, there are common reasons that force change, such as inefficiencies caused by data silos leading to potential lack of governance and inability to capitalise on valuable insights to stay competitive, ensuring all valuable information is converted from paper to digital for optimal access and use, and enabling paperless working in an increasingly hybrid environment.

In short, if you invest in digital transformation, you will be able to access information from multiple physical or digital sources and with multiple media, manage your data and information consistently to minimise internal and external risks, make unstructured information structured to optimise its value, and empower your employees to achieve your business goals.

Digital transformation:

  • Helps automate administrative processes
  • Enhances the end-user experience
  • Provides deep analytic insights
  • And, if done right, it can optimise workflows, eliminate data silos, improve security, and reduce costs

So, why haven’t organisations fully jumped on board?

Most organisations believe they’re already on the path to digital transformation. However, we’ve found that there are a few areas that go unaddressed when leaders look to tackle this initiative. Below, we’ve outlined the five necessary steps to take to fully immerse your team in the digital transformation process.

Five steps to digital transformation

To achieve the full benefits of digital transformation, you need to build a good foundation. And as with any journey, it’s best to start with step one. Here, we go into the logic behind each step of the digital transformation journey.

Step 1 - Identify

Not every file needs to be digitised. Implementing a “scan everything” process does not solve the root problem of figuring out what your team has, its retention date, and its level of importance to the business. By identifying what to scan, store, or defensibly destroy, you’ll save your team time and money.

To help your team identify what to keep, check out:
Digital transformation - Step 1 - Identify

Step 3 - Store

Rather than spending hours digging through file cabinets, you can now find your information in an easily accessible, centralised, secure digital storage repository that’s future-proofed from any unforeseen situations. By removing unnecessary physical storage, you’ll have more options to create a flexible workspace.

Flexible cloud storage platform; find the right storage for your team here:
Digital transformation - Step 3 - Store
Digital transformation - Step 4 - Automate

Step 4 - Automate

Your team can now create automated workflows for document-centric processes, which eliminates repetitive, time-consuming tasks and frees your team for more valuable work. With this comes increased productivity and more opportunities for brainstorming new ideas.

Free up your team’s time through automation. Learn more here:

Step 5 - Unlock

By digitising your files and applying advanced analytics, your team can identify patterns, trends, and other valuable information.

So, before you dive into your digital transformation, chat with us. We can help you protect and unlock value from your paper and digital assets, no matter the format, and provide the key to a fully transformed and integrated enterprise.

Learn how your team can unlock its data:
Digital transformation - Step 5 - Unlock
Information Management and Content Services Solution

Information management and content services solution

Digitise | Store | Automate | Unlock
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Benefits of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation provides various benefits for companies, including:

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