What does a risk-aware organisation look like? Start by treating risk as a shared responsibility.

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In an evolving approach to risk management, leaders must examine who is responsible for risk management and how they can adopt solutions that protect all parts of the organisation.

Sue Trombley
Sue Trombley
17 November 20237 mins
What Does A Risk-Aware Organization Look Like? Start By Treating Risk As A Shared Responsibility.

A comprehensive, cross-functional approach to risk management is widely accepted as a sound strategy for organisations, with nearly 80% of executives agreeing that risk management must involve all parts of the organisation. In our recently sponsored Economist Impact survey of over 650 executives worldwide, the numbers suggest a hesitancy for putting this effort into practice:

Less than half of executives are investing in organisation-wide risk management teams. Only 36% report integrating risk management into their overall strategy or placing decision-making as a priority feature of their risk management system.

While risk identification and management are top of mind, many leaders are still trying to understand the interconnected nature of risk, which should lead to the establishment of a cross-functional structure for dealing with adverse events. Something that happens in one part of the enterprise, a regional financial market, or the world can cascade through the organisation’s operations in many ways. 

So what does a risk-aware organisation look like? Going beyond the singular role of risk manager or risk officer, risk management is an effort that requires an interdisciplinary, interconnected approach to create a framework for anticipating and mitigating risk across the entire organisation. 

The pitfalls of a siloed risk strategy

Risk is present everywhere in an organisation. The past few years have brought an increased focus on the factors that drive risk, from financial to technological, environmental, operational, and new approaches to the workforce. The majority of global leaders understand the many sources of known risk and continue to concern themselves with mitigating it. While these leaders agree that risk management must consider all parts of an organisation, a majority (57%) say their organisation needs to improve cross-functional collaboration to manage risk.

A risk management strategy that focuses only on cybersecurity, financial factors, or supply chain fluctuations, or that targets only specific business units within the organisation fails to stay ahead of both risk identification and mitigation. For example, significant shifts in workplace reconfiguration or closures have proven to be an unexpected source of risk. 

“Risk is a factor in any business endeavor. Our job is to plan for and properly manage the activities that we know can create increased risk. It is also incumbent upon us to share what we’ve learned from the past to anticipate potential risk. Best practices, experienced personnel, appropriate resources, as well as proper communication and collaboration, are essential to risk mitigation.” – Aurora Cammarata, Corporate Real Estate & Facilities Advisor, Iron Mountain

The research shows very little formal accountability for risk management within an organisation—only 29% of leaders have clear policies around risk management and only 22% have designated accountability in place. This creates a risk environment that leaves departments and employees in the dark, leading to potential scenarios where one area of the organisation may suffer an adverse event, while another may feel its impact but have no way of anticipating or managing it for themselves. 

Research conducted in 2022 found similar responses related to organisational resilience—which goes hand in hand with risk. A resounding 84% of executives agree that to succeed in creating a sustainable, resilient culture and operations, cross-functional collaboration is essential. 

Who is responsible for risk management?

To create a truly risk-aware organisation, risk management must be a shared responsibility. Over 60% of executives think their organisation needs to improve information sharing between functions, teams, and external partners. When asked “Who is responsible for risk management in your organisation?” these leaders identified a range of roles from CEO to the head of IT, showing a lack of consensus on who is ultimately responsible. 

Because risk identification and management are happening on the ground in day-to-day activities, it’s important to equip everyone in your organisation to be a risk manager and promote cross-functional collaboration. Let’s explore what this looks like in a risk-aware organisation.

What does a risk-aware organisation look like?

A strong indicator of effective risk awareness is representation by key stakeholders, yet only 4% of surveyed executives report having a risk management committee that is directly responsible for driving risk management. A risk management committee creates the scaffolding needed to build a comprehensive, cross-functional team dedicated not only to informed decision-making but to the pursuit of practical applications of risk management across the organisation. The design and implementation of a risk committee can bring several benefits to your organisation, including:

  • Expert insight from risk officers, legal, operations, IT, data analytics, human resources, facilities, senior management, and potentially external experts

  • Effective collaboration between departments or business units

  • Optimised resources and budgets to better implement risk mitigation

  • A shared purpose for managing risk and protecting your organisation’s reputation

  • Creation of an enterprise-wide policy and education program

Risk literacy has a tremendous impact on an organisation’s ability to execute cross-functional collaboration. By adopting the language of risk management, risk-aware leaders create a culture that promotes the proactive identification and assessment of risks. Being “risk literate” empowers employees to understand, evaluate, and respond to risks in their respective roles. These employees can effectively communicate potential threats and vulnerabilities to other parts of the organisation, fostering timely decision-making and effective risk management.

A risk-aware organisation measures risk and the success of its risk management practices. The majority of executives believe their risk management efforts are performing better than they perhaps actually are. Nearly 70% feel that they’re somewhat or significantly ahead of their peers in risk management, but they don’t have a consistent way to track or measure their efforts. This makes it difficult to articulate the return on investment of risk management investments and to share progress with stakeholders. Promoting measurable risk management helps all areas of an organisation stay invested and committed to ongoing initiatives. 

Why is cross-functional collaboration key for risk management?

In today’s complex landscape, effective risk management is crucial for organisations to thrive. A risk-aware organisation recognises that effective risk management requires a collective effort beyond individual departments or functions. By fostering cross-functional collaboration through open channels, dedicated teams, risk literacy, and accurate measurements, organisations can amplify their ability to identify risks early on and proactively manage them.

Risk management and organisational resilience continue to be popular for large-scale discussion, and executives are more interested than ever in bringing both into action. Find more expert recommendations and global insights by exploring our risk and resilience resource center.

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