Helping a global bank optimise and reduce space

Customer Success Stories

A global 500 bank needed to optimise office space utilisation in order to downsize its real estate footprint and reduce costs.

7 May 20248 mins
Application Solutions: Contracts- People reviewing files

At the same time, evolving employee work habits created the need for a modern, collaborative, and digital workplace of the future. With high expectations and limited time to complete the project, the bank turned to Iron Mountain Clean Start for help.


  • The need to reduce office footprint by almost 50%
  • A shift from an assigned seating arrangement to a flexible space, with years of files and other assets at employee desks
  • Inefficient paper-heavy “keep everything” culture


Iron Mountain Clean Start®


  • 45% reduction in space (95K sq. ft. to 50K sq. ft.)
  • Elimination of 95% of information space (filing cabinets, file room, storage of IT assets, etc.), freeing up 9.5K sq. ft.
  • Over 375K pieces of paper digitised, with efficient, digital workflows implemented and adopted