Physical meets digital: embracing digital transformation on the journey to information management

Blogs and Articles

Records and information management has become a driver of digital transformation, bringing about an organisation-wide…

Sue Trombley
Sue Trombley
March 23, 20207 mins
Iron Mountain logo with blue mountains

Records and information management has become a driver of digital transformation, bringing about an organisation-wide culture change tasked with putting privacy and security first. But to become truly data-driven, as well as meet the demands of compliance in a post-GDPR world, information professionals face the challenge of getting vast troves of digital and physical data and printed records in order. For compliance, they need to think about information lifecycle management. To derive insights that drive business growth, they must think about data quality and authenticity. The list goes on.

In this podcast, Iron Mountain's Director of Global Engagement Sue Trombley speaks to Scott Sammons, Chairman of the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS) to discuss the challenges and solutions facing RIM professionals in the age of digital transformation.




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