Building a cyber resilient recovery strategy

Solution Guides

In today’s multi-cloud environment, it is increasingly important to consider how your organization is protecting, securing, and recovering data.

April 26, 20246 mins
Woman reporting on data systems

Iron Cloud® Cyber Recovery with Rubrik


Organizations are storing data in multiple clouds, and cyber security threats are continuing to rise. In today’s multi-cloud environment, it is increasingly important to consider how your organization is protecting, securing, and recovering data. Traditional disaster recovery solutions don’t allow organizations to test and validate cyber recovery plans, recover entire workloads from one site to another, or continuously identify and monitor risks before they arise.

What if you could

Be confident that your cyber recovery plans will allow your organization to restore business operations quickly in the event of a data breach:

  • Build and validate cyber recovery plans
  • Continuously monitor risks to your data
  • Recover your data quickly and restore business faster

Iron Cloud Cyber Recovery service

Iron Cloud Cyber Recovery enables organizations to conduct their forensic investigations and cybersecurity assessments in isolated recovery environments, while they restore business operations using the last-known clean snapshot. Our cyber recovery service provides the ability to easily create, test, and validate whether your organization’s recovery playbook works, so that you are prepared to meet recovery SLAs.

Iron Cloud® is a secure cloud repository for almost any type of data that you need to preserve, whether for compliance, conservation, or value-creation. Designed to scale as your content grows, it’s trusted by organizations of all types that want offsite, pay- as-you-use, cloud storage with enterprise-class SLAs and stringent safety protocols, as well as near- infinite scalability-where data remains intact and easily accessible. Your data is protected in our ISO 27001-compliant Iron Mountain Data Centers spanning 20+ locations across 3 continents.

Explore a cyber resiliency solution that integrates with your storage infrastructure for enhanced resilience. Iron Mountain can help your organization achieve the following:

  • Build and validate cyber recovery plans.
    Create recovery plans and test whether the recovery plan works including sequence, timing, and failure points. You can monitor recovery tests for progress and generate reports about recovery performance, allowing you to optimize recovery plans.
  • Continuously monitor risks to your data, including ransomware, data destruction, and indicators of compromise.
    You can also identify and monitor sensitive data exposure and use intelligent risk insights to maximize data security posture. Analyze backup snapshots and provide insights that help avoid malware reinfection during recovery.
  • Restore business faster.
    In the event of a cyber breach, recover the clean data snapshot from Iron Cloud and conduct investigations on the breach while business operations are restored. Protect data from insider threats or ransomware with air-gapped, immutable, access-controlled backups in Iron Cloud. Safeguard data from cyberattacks with a secure clean room environment that provides network and systems isolation to maintain the integrity of recovered data.

How Iron Mountain and Rubrik come together for this solution

Our strong alliances with leading technology partners like Rubrik means we deliver robust enterprise class data protection and cyber recovery services from highly secure Iron Mountain owned and operated data centers with advanced network and encryption. Backed by a specialized security team, Rubrik and Iron Mountain bring together best-in- class solutions to help your business prepare for cyberattacks and recover quickly after.

Learn more about Iron Mountain’s Cyber Recovery solution, visit