Iron Mountain's underground facility - fiche and film

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The processing of microfilm and microfiche has seen a tremendous uptick recently thanks to advancements in processing technology, an overall reduction in costs and the ongoing degradation of this once popular document storage technique.

June 14, 20235 mins
The processing of microfilm and microfiche has seen a tremendous uptick recently thanks to advancements in processing technology
The processing of microfilm and microfiche has seen a tremendous uptick recently thanks to advancements in processing technology, an overall reduction in costs and the ongoing degradation of this once popular document storage technique. Nick Farrer, VP of Digital Sales Solutions, recently visited the Iron Mountain Underground and met with Denise Phipps, Records Center Coordinator in the Fiche and Film department to better understand Iron Mountain’s capabilities around fiche and film processing as well as the urgency around the digitization of these materials. Let’s go 220 feet below earth to get a closer look!

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