The benefits of active archiving

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Explore ways you can reduce data storage costs and complexities. Join the experts from Iron Mountain and MediQuant to learn about the benefits of active archiving.

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Does your archival plan manage tomorrow’s data today?

With data growth forecasts soaring to zettabytes, it is no wonder that companies are struggling with their data management plans. From active to inactive, structured to unstructured, finding a cost-effective way to archive data while keeping it secure and accessible (even if the data is on legacy media formats), seems almost impossible...

Almost. Fortunately there is a way.

Watch this on-demand webcast and learn about the various strategies and interesting use cases employed by successful organizations.

Specific topics discussed include:

  • Best practices for archiving data based on current research
  • How complex environments are driving up IT costs
  • Dealing with pandemic-driven data challenges
  • Reducing entry points for hackers
And much more.

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Does your archival plan manage tomorrow’s data today?

A successful data archiving plan needs to meet the company’s current budget, security, and accessibility requirements today with an eye to the future. Staying competitive will require companies across industries to mine their archived data to identify impactful opportunities and trends.

The benefits of active archiving

Active vs. inactive data. Cost-effective archiving. Maintaining access to data on legacy media formats. There is so much to consider when it comes to your data archiving strategy.

Explore ways you can reduce data storage costs and complexities. Join the experts from Iron Mountain and MediQuant to learn about the benefits of active archiving.