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Securesync® information

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Step 1: From the main SecureSync menu select Authorization > Add User
Step 2: Enter the First Name, Last Name and Select Next
Step: 3 Complete the Password and Confirm Password fields and Select "Next."

*This will be a temporary password to enable the user to login to SecureSync. The user will be prompted to create a new password upon a successful login.

Step 4: Complete the following information:

A: Authorization Levels

  • Interaction Authority, may be created by a user with E-level authorization.
  • DR Authority, may be created by a user with DR4-level authorization.

B: Account Information

  • The country code, business phone and email address must be entered.

C: Customer Account Assignments

  • Select the account(s) to which the user will have access. You can select all or add individual accounts.Upon completion Select Submit.
Step 5: When the user has been successfully added, you will see this message

Step 6: 

Once the user has been successfully added, the system will send out two confirmation emails.

  1. SecureBase will generate an email and send it to the new user that includes their user name and password
  2. A confirmation email to the requestor.

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