How Digital Mailroom services transform your organisation to the new normal of remote working


In this joint webinar with AIIM, you'll learn how a Digital Mailroom strategy can transform your organisation the new normal of remote working.

2020年5月26日51 分鐘
How Digital Mailroom Services Transform Your Organization to the New Normal of Remote Working- A working woman


In this joint webinar with AIIM, you’ll learn how a digital mailroom strategy can transform your organisation the new normal of remote working.

Topics include:

  • The importance and value of scanning
  • Enabling a secure home-based workforce in an emergency situation
  • Ways to incorporate scanning your inbound physical mail and on-demand records digitisation for business continuity
  • How to strengthen your governance plans and processes by incorporating digital mailroom services best practices into your daily operations

How digital mailroom services transform your organization to the new normal of remote working