group of hands held upward on green forest backdrop

Taking care of our employees

At Iron Mountain, we understand that our impact extends beyond the walls of our facilities. We believe in taking care of our employees and contributing positively to the communities in which we operate. In order to carry out that support we leverage the following mechanisms:

Iron Mountain Living Legacy Initiative

The Living Legacy Initiative is Iron Mountain’s corporate philanthropy program. We provide grants and in-kind services to nonprofit organizations focused on cultural and historic preservation and accessibility. This program is funded by Iron Mountain and overseen by Iron Mountain’s Community Engagement Manager. You can learn more here.

Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains is Iron Mountain’s corporate volunteer program. We encourage all of our employees to volunteer in their communities with charitable organizations focused on causes that matter the most to them. All eligible full and part time employees are provided paid time off to enable them to give the gift of time to their communities.

The Iron Mountain Charitable Foundation

The Iron Mountain Charitable Foundation was created by Iron Mountain to provide financial support to Iron Mountain employees and their families as well as communities in crisis.

Richard Reese Employee Relief Fund

The Richard Reese Employee Relief Fund is a public 501c3 charity focused on helping employees and their families recover and transition from events that are outside of their control. More information about the Fund is below.

John Jamison Education Fund

The John Jamison Iron Mountain Education Fund exists to encourage and recognize scholastic achievement. The fund is available to children of eligible Iron Mountain employees that have completed high school/secondary school and plan to enroll or are enrolled in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited university or vocational-technical school. More information is below.

Supporting our mountaineers

The Richard Reese Employee Relief Fund and the John Jamison Education Fund are two ways employees can receive direct financial support. Click below to learn more about each fund.

Supporting our mountaineersmountain ranges


Supporting our employees in times of need

The Richard Reese Employee Relief Fund supports Iron Mountain employees during times of tragedy. Its purpose is to help employees and their families recover and transition from events that are outside of their control, particularly those that affect their ability to pay for basic living expenses.

Originally, the Relief Fund provided support for Iron Mountain employees affected by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Wishing to support their fellow employees in time of need, Mountaineers from all over the world generously donated to a centralized fund. Today, this Fund continues to offer short- term financial assistance to any Mountaineer and his/her/their family impacted by a catastrophic event. The Fund continues to thrive today thanks to ongoing support from Mountaineers across the globe.

In 2014, the Mountaineer Employee Relief Fund was changed to the “Richard Reese Employee Relief Fund,” after Iron Mountain’s long time CEO, Richard Reese. Richard Reese served as CEO of Iron Mountain from December 1981 to June 2008, returning to the role in 2011-2012. During his tenure, Richard not only grew the company and its revenue, but he also demonstrated formidable loyalty and dedication to his employees. The Richard Reese Employee Relief Fund is a 501c3 organization.


Richard Reese

Iron Mountain CEO
1981–2008, 2011–2012


Executive Chairman

The Richard Reese Iron Mountain Employee Relief Fund is a shining example of the Iron Mountain culture and the Mountaineer spirit.

How has the Richard Reese Employee Relief Fund helped employees?

Beginning with those employees affected by Hurricane Katrina, the Relief Fund has helped employees affected by natural disasters around the world. In addition to natural disasters, the Fund also helps after tragedies such as house fires, funerals and condemned/uninhabitable housing. From 2020 – 2022, the Relief Fund supported thousands of employees through the COVID pandemic. In 2022, the Relief Fund provided financial support to our employees and their families affected by the crisis in Ukraine.