Getting to grips with CSRD - don't be left behind

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Mandatory sustainability reporting is on it's way. Is your organisation ready? In this webinar our panel of experts from BSR and Iron Moutnain will help you keep up to speed with new regulations, looking specifically at CSRD.

15 February 2024 minsUnlock All Premium Resources
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Organisations are facing the challenge of identifying, managing, and reporting on sustainability topics. Whether you call it sustainability, ESG, Corporate Responsibility, or Corporate Social Responsibility, the fact remains that it is a complex issue where data is key.

In this session our expert panel, including speakers from BSR (Business for Social Responsibility), will discuss the move to mandatory reporting, looking in detail at CSRD, how these new regulations will impact organisations and what you can start doing today to be prepared.

What will I learn?

During the session our speakers will explore:

  • Terminology associated with sustainability reporting
  • What mandatory reporting means for organisations
  • What CSRD is, what it is trying to accomplish and what the reports might look like

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