Pros and cons of centralised and decentralised records centres

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One of the most crucial decisions records managers have to make is whether their organisation's records centre should be centralised or decentralised; this is by no means an easy choice. Thankfully, this subject is not a new one in the field of records management. There are plenty of resources in the space to help records management professionals make the right choice for their organisation.

31 January 20177 mins
Centralized Vs. Decentralized Records Centers

One of the most crucial decisions records managers have to make is whether their organisation's records centre should be centralised or decentralised; this is by no means an easy choice. Thankfully, this subject is not a new one in the field of records management. There are plenty of resources in the space to help records management professionals make the right choice for their organisation.

Centralised Vs. Decentralised Records Centres

A centralised records centre is one in which all the physical documents are located in one central location. The location is controlled by the records management department staff. Additionally, the number of people in the records department will depend on the size of the organisation.

A decentralised records centre is one in which the physical documents are located across the entire office. This may mean they can be found in end users' offices, workstations or other workroom space. Unlike a centralised records centre, where the files are controlled exclusively by the records department, a decentralised location is controlled by the end user who creates the file.

The following provides a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each method:

Advantages of a Centralised Records Centre

There are many advantages of a centralised records centre. First, end users have the comfort of knowing all physical documents relating to a particular case are held in the same location. If end users need to reference a file, they would be required to contact the records department staff through some online portal or email service. The file would then be checked out to the end user. A complete chain of custody of the file is captured, so the location of the file is known at all times.

Second, a centralised records centre has a heightened level of security. For instance, the entrance is locked, so only the records department staff have access to the files in the records centre. This process yields much more control over physical documents than a decentralised method.

Finally, uniform departmental procedures are documented and circulated to all end users. These procedures address topics such as hours of operation, file requests and delivery times.

Disadvantages of a Centralised Records Centre

While centralised records centres have many advantages, there are also some drawbacks. To begin, physical documents are not at the end users' fingertips, so they may need to wait an extended period before they can review the file. This is certainly the case if the file is stored at another office location. Another disadvantage could be the investment that comes with hiring a full-time records department staff to manage the centralised location.

A centralised records centre may also require a large investment in high-density shelving. This type of shelving can be very costly, especially if the floor has to be reinforced to meet weight requirements.

For more than a decade, the idea of a paperless office environment has been frequently discussed. While organisations around the world have striven to eliminate paper entirely, their efforts have been met with many obstacles. This is because it is simply not practical for organisations to have an entirely paperless environment.

Advantages of a Decentralised Records Centre

Now, let us discuss some advantages of a decentralised records centre. First of all, the physical file is stored at the end users' desks, not in a centralised location for all to access. Of course, this method would not require a full-time records department staff. End users would have access to their files at all times and would be responsible for maintaining accuracy.

Disadvantages of a Decentralised Records Centre

A decentralised records centre has its disadvantages. For example, suppose a group of end users is working on the same case at the same time. Suddenly, the end user who is responsible for maintaining the file is absent. The rest of the group may have trouble locating the file if the organisation does not have chain of custody procedures in place.

Along the same lines, a decentralised records centre will have little or no security over the files. This can prove problematic, especially if an organisation handles highly sensitive cases and must comply with the specific regulations.

Centralised Vs. Decentralised: Who's the Champ?

After considering both options, organisations can better weigh which method is best for them. This decision should not be made in haste, however. Organisations should take their time and not decide until they completely understand their unique needs.

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