Additional services

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The following services may be requested. All Records Management services not specifically listed on the Schedule A will be charged at Iron Mountain’s then-current rates. Call Customer Response for more information.

Complete update report, scheduled - The service of producing and distributing an annual hardcopy inventory report for customers who are set up to receive this information. To avoid the charge for this service, customers may obtain the information themselves using Iron Mountain Connect’s Report Center.

Computer record change - An Iron Mountain service in which the customer contacts Iron Mountain and requests that we manually update the description of item(s) managed in our inventory system. Standard updates for Computer Record Changes are billed per item. In cases where the change relates to bulk moves or to edits for many items, you will be charged at an hourly rate for work performed. These fees will be identified on your invoice as a Computer Record Change. It is Iron Mountain’s policy that record updates performed due to an Iron Mountain error will not be charged to the customer.

Computer search, online - The service in which Iron Mountain customer service representatives assist the customer in searching the SafeKeeperPLUS database for a particular Carton or File. This service is billed per Item returned in the search. No charge is imposed if the customer performs the search using Iron Mountain Connect.

Fax - The act of faxing a document or group of documents as an alternative delivery mechanism for a Retrieval Order as requested by the customer. The service includes Retrieval and may include other services such as Photocopying for which separate charges will be assessed. This service is billed per page plus Retrieval charge.

Individual listing - customer - The process of data entry by the customer of File descriptions into Iron Mountain Connect.

Individual listing - Iron Mountain Link - The process of uploading File descriptions from a customer’s internal system to Iron Mountain’s SafeKeeperPLUS system using Iron Mountain Link.

Individual listing - Iron Mountain upload - The process of uploading File descriptions from a data file to Iron Mountain’s SafeKeeperPLUS system. The data file is handled by a programmer in the production support team and the service is charged per upload unless considered a Special Project.

Photocopy - The act of photocopying a document or group of documents as requested by the customer. This service is billed per page plus Retrieval charge and is requested in conjunction with a Retrieval Order unless considered a Special Project.

Relid - Iron Mountain may replace the lid (top) of a Carton when the condition of the lid will not support other Cartons in a standard storage configuration, when the security of the information inside the Carton is no longer intact due to the damage to or construction of the lid, or when the Carton is not safe for transport or handling. Re-lidding charge includes both the price of the replacement lid and Labor, at a rate per carton, to carry out the re-lidding service. Re-lid charge will show on your invoice as a "Relid" plus the charge for a new lid.

Repack - See the definition for Re-boxing Charge in the Glossary.

Search charge - The extra service provided when a record center specialist is unable to immediately locate an Item due to the incorrect or limited metadata provided by the customer when placing the order. This service is billed per search.

Shipping / outside courier
 - The service provided when Iron Mountain utilizes a third party shipping carrier to deliver Items on an Order either at the Customer’s request or outside the applicable service area. Common carriers utilized by Iron Mountain are UPS, DHL, Federal Express.

Outside courier / customer representative handling - The service provided by Iron Mountain to prepare Items for shipment, or receive Items delivered, by a third party carrier, or to prepare or receive Items picked up or dropped off by the customer or the customer’s representative. This service is billed per Item, except for customer pick-ups and third party carrier shipments of Files, in which case, where feasible, Iron Mountain will consolidate multiple Files into Packages and bill this service per Package.

Special computer request 
- The service provided by Iron Mountain to provide custom reporting data out of the SafeKeeperPLUS system. These non-standard reports require custom programming and are billed per request based on the programming time required for each request. Customers may access a variety of standard reports at no charge via Iron Mountain Connect Report Center.

Special project - See the definition of Special Project in the Glossary.