Iron Mountain InSight™ Platform

Solution Guides

Connect your information in a scalable cloud repository.

27 December 20236 mins
Iron Mountain Scan and Store solution brief

Connect your information in a scalable cloud repository

Many organisations are making digital transformation a priority to take advantage of benefits such as reduced costs and improved operational resilience. When we talk to our customers, they’re often looking to downsize and/or optimise real estate space, streamline operations, and connect data to support growth, strategy, and decisions across the business.

However paper documents are still part of many business processes, creating a mixture of physical and digital information. The common challenges we hear from our customers include:

  • Struggle to quickly find what they need
  • Difficulty sharing information with remote and hybrid workforce
  • Inefficient use of employees’ time
  • Increased risks with non-compliance and fines
Although 61.9% of companies are planning more remote work now and in the years to come,2 hybrid and remote workforces struggle to access documents quickly and securely. The roughly 80% of employees working outside of the office, either part- or full-time,3 need digitization.
Industry FactSquaretalk and Gallup

Iron Mountain InSight® is an information management and content services platform solution that provides you with a centralised view of your information, allowing secure access and retrieval for your employees in a single cloud repository for enhanced visibility and access.

  • Easily and quickly search for documents
  • Free up valuable workspace
  • Prepare for a scalable transformation future

Need help with other steps of your digital transformation journey? We have you covered.

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Identify your legacy records

We can work with you to identify how to proceed with your legacy records.
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Digitise your physical documents

We can help you prioritise and achieve your goals through a series of Backfile Conversion, Day Forward Scanning and on-demand programs.

Enable compliance

We offer compliance options including integration with Iron Mountain Policy Center, our cloud-based retention policy management platform.
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Dispose records you don’t need

We offer several disposition options for your newly digitised physical information including secure storage, sustainable shredding and/or returning physical assets to you.

Why should you choose Iron Mountain?

  • Partner with a global industry leader
  • Consolidate vendors across your organisation’s digital transformation journey
  • Harmonise your cloud strategy through our cloud partnerships
  • Receive an auditable chain of custody across physical & digital documents

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