Fiscalia General De La Nacion/Attorney General’s Office (Colombia)

Customer Success Stories

The customer is an independent government agency attached to the judiciary sector and is an existing customer for Iron Mountain for our Records Management (Storage) service.

2 min
Fiscalia General De La Nacion/Attorney General’s Office (Colombia)

Business need

The customer was looking to achieve targeted cost savings for this project and also have the ability to respond to any on demand digital document requests within a specified time frame.


Iron Mountain provided an end-to-end data management solution from the storage of physical documents, scanning/digitisation of physical documents in the customer’s mailroom environment, a document management system to support the search and retrieval of these documents and the destruction of digitised documents.


Iron mountain managed to help the customer achieve >32% cost savings compared to their existing vendor for digitisation services. There was also an improvement in customer experience due to the reduced turnaround time from a few days to 4 hours for on demand document scanning and retrieval from a digital platform as compared to manual search in the past.

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