Access, collaborate, and innovate by taking control of your information and data

Information transformation

Access, collaborate, and innovate by taking control of your information and data

Business objective: Digitisation and automation

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Unlock your information's potential with digitisation and automation

Have you ever wondered how much potential is buried within your disorganised data? Imagine if every piece of information you hold—whether tucked away in boxes of records or scattered across digital archives—could be instantly accessible and actionable. The challenge is real: managing and finding critical information can feel like an endless battle. But what if there was a way to transform this chaos into a well-organised, digital goldmine with process automation and effective data governance?

Iron Mountain can help you bridge this gap. By securely converting your unstructured data into a streamlined, digital format, we make it easy for you to access, collaborate, and unlock valuable insights.

Curious about how digitisation and automation can revolutionise your information management?

Digitisation and automation of your data and information can:

  • Drive efficiencies by reducing (or eliminating) manual processes
  • Enhance the end-user experience
  • Provide access to dark data enabling analytical insights
  • And, if done right, it can optimise workflows, eliminate data silos, improve security, and reduce costs

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How do we do it?

By applying our information transformation framework we help you discover, unify and govern your physical and digital assets so you can automate workflows, unlock valuable insights and maintain a digital-first approach to your organisation. Continue reading to learn more about each phase of the framework and how we do it.

Click on each phase to jump to the respective part of this page.

Access, collaborate, and innovate by taking control of your information and data - Workflow infographic

Phase 1 - Discover

Discover the power of your data

Get started by uncovering the wealth of information within your organisation.

Simply scanning everything doesn't address the core issue of understanding your organisation's holdings, their retention requirements, and their relevance to your business. By discerning what to scan, store, or defensibly destroy, you'll streamline operations and cut costs for your team.

Phase 1 - Discover the power of your data
Phase 2 - Unify your data and information
Phase 2 - Unify

Unify your data and information

Once you've identified what records you need to keep, it's time to decide what to keep in physical storage and what to digitise. We identify, organise, and securely manage your records, laying the foundation for a streamlined digitisation process.

Instead of working in silos, your team can now find your information in an easily accessible, centralised, secure digital storage repository that’s future-proofed from any unforeseen situations such as loss or misuse of records and data or cyber attacks.

Phase 3 - Govern

Govern your data with confidence

Once you know what data and information you have, organisations need to understand their information governance regulation requirements and develop an information governance program and retention schedule so they can effectively manage your data and reduce risk.

Organisations need to ensure they are storing the data securely, and to code - ensuring they only have the information they need.

Phase 3 - Govern your data with confidence
Phase 4 - Automate

Automate your workflows

Here's where you harness the full power of AI to classify and connect your data, automate manual processes, enable audit-ready compliance, and make information accessible and useful.

Using intelligent document processing and advanced capture solutions you can add structure and monitor every data collection process. With this comes increased productivity and less chance of human error when classifying, storing or processing your information.

Phase 5 - Unlock

Unlock insights and make better decisions

As documents and data seamlessly flow through your organisation, your team can now unlock your data's potential. By digitising your files and harnessing advanced analytics, your team can uncover patterns, trends, and invaluable information buried within your records. By aggregating and categorising this data, you'll reveal new opportunities and gain a greater understanding of your business as a whole.

Phase 5 - Unlock insights & make better decisions
Phase 6 - Maintain a secure and compliant digital-first approach
Phase 6 - Maintain

Maintain a secure and compliant digital-first approach

As your digital capabilities grow and evolve, it's imperative that you maintain your data and information accessibility and governance whilst also protecting the IT infrastructure that sits around these important assets. Iron Mountain's suite of services can ensure your assets remain secure, resilient and adaptable, equipping you with a competitive edge in an ever-changing landscape.

Learn more about how to undergo an information transformation

Take the next step. Click below to learn more:

Information transformation

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Build a strong and flexible information framework to drive security, innovation and resilience for your organisation.

Data & IT security

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By ensuring your information management complies with changing protocols, you can reduce risk and ensure security and compliance for every piece of information you hold, across company and personal devices.
Workplace evolution

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Given the changing nature of the hybrid workforce, redeploy and retire costly real estate with digitised assets, and free your people from manual tasks with automation.

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