Your digital transformation journey: a step-by-step guide

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Our step-by-step guide provides everything you need to know about digital business transformation.

Getting Started with Digital Transformation

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Not every industry has the same consumer needs so digital transformation means different things to different organizations. A financial institution using machine learning to detect and predict fraudulent transactions? Digital transformation. An e-commerce retailer searching for new and innovative ways to serve personalized recommendations to customers? Digital transformation.

But what does nearly every single digital transformation initiative have in common? They started with modernizing data and information management.

Think about it. How can you effectively digitally transform high-value, customer-centric operations when your basic, everyday workflows are still reliant on manual, paper-based processes? Or draw insights from data when relying on outdated and inaccessible means of storage? Simply put, data and information management is the foundation from which all digital transformation is made possible.

To help you develop a strategy to modernize your data and information management processes and procedures, a solid digital transformation guide is key. From small-things you can get started now to those initiatives that may require cross-functional support and executive buy-in, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to get started with your digital transformation. By the end, we will have provided you with an idea of where your resources, in both staff and budget, should be allocated.


Not every industry has the same consumer needs so digital transformation means different things to different organizations. A financial institution using machine learning to detect and predict fraudulent transactions? Digital transformation. An e-commerce retailer searching for new and innovative ways to serve personalized recommendations to customers? Digital transformation.

But what does nearly every single digital transformation initiative have in common? They started with modernizing data and information management.

Think about it. How can you effectively digitally transform high-value, customer-centric operations when your basic, everyday workflows are still reliant on manual, paper-based processes? Or draw insights from data when relying on outdated and inaccessible means of storage? Simply put, data and information management is the foundation from which all digital transformation is made possible.

To help you develop a strategy to modernize your data and information management processes and procedures, a solid digital transformation guide is key. From small-things you can get started now to those initiatives that may require cross-functional support and executive buy-in, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to get started with your digital transformation. By the end, we will have provided you with an idea of where your resources, in both staff and budget, should be allocated.

Feel free to jump around from step to step in whatever order works best for your organization. Our goal with this guide is to help lay the foundation for your digital transformation.

Read along, download it for later, or jump to the section most relevant to you.