Iron Mountain Data Restoration and Migration services

Customer Success Stories

Relentless growth in data combined with an ever-increasing storage footprint is a pressing challenge in the financial services sector.

18 January 20188 min
Iron Mountain Data Restoration And Migration Services


The project to upgrade its technology platform needed to include retirement of legacy infrastructure to reduce data management costs and the storage footprint.

Iron Mountain solution

Iron Mountain Data Restoration and Migration Services

Business benefits

tape backup

On-demand extraction and restoration


On-demand extraction and restoration

On-demand extraction and restoration of legacy tapes provided valuable access to historical project and financial information
secure tape media

Offsite vaulting of legacy data


Offsite vaulting of legacy data

Offsite vaulting of legacy data provided for secure, risk-free storage
clean global




Storage footprint reduced
carton racks

Retired legacy infrastructure


Retired legacy infrastructure

Legacy infrastructure could be retired, reducing maintenance and operating costs

Relentless growth in data combined with an ever-increasing storage footprint is a pressing challenge in the financial services sector.

Business profile

Digital technology continues to transform the financial services sector. An explosion of data provides insights and ways to drive business value, and improve process efficiencies. However, the relentless data boom has left organisations questioning how to support the ever-increasing amounts of data and manage the data storage footprint.

The challenge

This organisation upgraded to a new platform wanting to leverage technology solutions to support growing amounts of data and improve process efficiencies. It wanted to reduce data management costs and its storage footprint. With increasing statutory scrutiny of the sector, it also wanted to ensure better protection of its data to mitigate risks.

The Iron Mountain solution

Iron Mountain ensured business continuity during the transition and avoided the necessity of maintaining and operating legacy tape software and hardware. With the implementation of a Data Restoration program, that incorporates both secure off-site tape vaulting with proprietary and native processing, legacy tapes were stored with on-demand extraction and restoration. Securely storing offsite reduced the organisations storage footprint.

The results

Important historical project and financial information was still available as required. Iron Mountain’s chain-of-custody guidelines provide best-practice secure storage without limitations to access and restoration. The fully managed process guaranteed fast, accurate and costeffective restoration services. Legacy infrastructure could be retired, reducing maintenance and operating costs and lowering the storage footprint.