Magyar Iratmegőrzési Határidők

Prémium tartalom

Az alábbi útmutató segítséget nyújt a hatékony, és megfelelő iratkezelés fenntartásában, a következő témák figyelembevételével.

Magyar Iratmegőrzési Határidők

Az alábbi útmutató segítséget nyújt a hatékony, és megfelelő iratkezelés fenntartásában, a következő témák figyelembevételével:

  • A céges iratkezelés kihívásainak buktatói
  • A hatékony iratkezelés előnyei
  • Példák hatékony iratkezelésre

A quick guide to records management and retention

We are all faced with an ever increasing volume of records, including emails and traditional paper documents. Legislation and regulation covering records management is so complex and far-reaching that compliance can become a major challenge as well as a drain on your resources. This makes a mandatory retention policy indispensable for minimising both business risks and the chance of costly litigation, caused either by destroying information before, or retaining it beyond, the end of its legally required retention period.

This guide gives you an overview of the regulations governing record retention and the relevant legal issues. The quick references help you cut through the complexity and get a clear picture of different record types and their business functions, as well as the legislation that affects them. It also offers practical suggestions to meet challenges.

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Why comply?

  • Fines for non-compliance are increasing
  • Risk of investigatory audits by the authorities
  • Reputational risks are substantial with an ever less tolerant public
  • Risk of prosecution, claims for damages or claims for injunctions in civil proceedings
  • It pays to be compliant: don’t store what you don’t need to
  • An inventory is not a maybe, it’s a must

Effective records management is about planning, organising and controlling the different stages in the life of a record – from its creation, through its active and inactive periods, to its destruction or permanent storage. Efficient records management meets the dual needs of providing easy retrieval of information while keeping costs to a minimum.

A comprehensive records management programme gives you immediate and long-term benefits:

Controlling record volumes

Implementing a records retention schedule and destroying unnecessary records can cut your physical and digital storage requirement by up to 40%. Managing the creation of new records will reduce the costs of organising, maintaining and disposing of them.

Improving access to information

With the right systems and procedures in place you can respond faster to business challenges, provide better customer service and make informed decisions.

Ensuring regulatory compliance

You’re faced with a multitude of industry-specific rules, national laws and European regulations on corporate bookkeeping and records conversion, retention and maintenance. A records management programme determines which records must be kept and for how long, in order to remain compliant.

Improving efficiency and productivity

Poor record keeping and badly managed or non-integrated systems mean costly delays when searching for misfiled records and prevents timely meeting of e-discovery orders or governmental subpoenas.

Safeguarding critical information

It is estimated that more than a third of all businesses that suffer a disaster never resume operations. An efficient records management programme ensures that you have protected copies of all business-critical records.

What does compliance involve?

  • Knowing the requirements – European, national and sector
  • Seeking appropriate legal advice to help you create your own retention schedule
  • Closed chain of custody – knowing what you’ve got and where it is, and monitoring who gained access for what purposes
  • Secure, organised storage
  • Secure, timely destruction

Industry facts

  • 27%

    Among European mid-market businesses, 27% have company policies for the safe storage and disposal of confidential information.

  • 60%

    In Europe, 60% of mid-market businesses monitor their strategy for managing structured and unstructured information in digital and physical formats.

Source: Beyond Good Intentions, The need to move from intention to action to manage information risk in the mid-market, PwC report in conjunction with Iron Mountain, 2014

Records management case studies

The following are some examples of different companies across Europe that enjoyed the benefits of an effective records management strategy.

The challenge

Manufacturing – BAE Systems


BAE Systems is one of the world’s leading defence manufacturers employing over 100,000 people in locations across the world. In 2004, the company identified a problem. Paper records were stored in disparate locations ranging from cupboards to large containers and document retrieval processes entailed a risk of loss or damage. BAE was looking for a solution that would help better organise its information and safeguard their valuable information assets in highly secure facilities. 


The solution

  • Dedicated Iron Mountain experts work on-site to manage indexing, storage, retrieval and transport
  • 200,000 cubic feet of records stored at Iron Mountain facilities which meet the stringent security standards required
  • Highly classified documents stored in dedicated vault with relevant Iron Mountain staff vetted by the Ministry of Defence
  • Iron Mountain catalogues statutory retention periods and carries out secure destruction as appropriate
  • IM Connect™, the Iron Mountain online customer portal, allows authorised BAE personnel to find documents and securely request retrieval


BAE Systems has benefited from enhanced customer confidence in a highly security-conscious industry.

The challenge

Professional Services – KPMG – The Netherlands


KPMG The Netherlands offers audit and tax consultancy services. The company has over 4,000 employees in 15 offices across the Netherlands. Audit firms in the Netherlands have to comply with strict regulations governing records management. The company found that requirements for the safe storage and transport of documents were making these operations too complicated and expensive to handle themselves.


The solution

  • Iron Mountain active file management offered KPMG The Netherlands the dual benefits of fast, authorised access and compliant, secure storage
  • Twice-daily scheduled visits by vetted Iron Mountain staff pick up and drop off required documents in state-of-theart secure vehicles
  • Barcode scanning and a strict chain of custody make files fully traceable, and support compliance with strict regulations


As well as being able to meet compliance needs, KPMG The Netherlands has reduced costs and saved space.

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