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Information management solutions for HR professionals

Explore how Iron Mountain advances the full information lifecycle for HR departments, ensuring compliance, security, auditability and accessibility.

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Advancing information management in HR

Managing extensive amounts of information is part of the HR professional's routine. Beyond ensuring that all files — particularly organisational and employee data of a sensitive nature — are systemically archived, an organisation’s HR department holds broader responsibilities. They must ensure compliance with data protection laws and optimally uphold data sorting, retention, and dispensement best practices, among others.

And, as we move further away from paper-based HR document management toward paperless digitalisation, organisations are looking to modern solutions that securely and optimally cover the full HR documentation lifecycle.

From secure document storage and shredding, to asset lifecycle management and full digitisation transformation solutions, Iron Mountain provides comprehensive document management services tailored to the evolving needs of HR departments.

  • Approximately 48% of respondents rated their information management at 3 or less out of 5.
  • Over half of the organisations report having no information management processes that are mostly or completely automated.
  • Nearly a third (31%) of organisations indicated that sensitive employee information could be significantly more secure.

Digital transformation in practice

How Iron Mountain modernised a national retailer's human resource processes

The challenge:

A national consumer retailer faced challenges with an outdated HR system, struggling with manual, inefficient processes for handling employee onboarding documents, benefits administration, and record management more generally. Disparate workflows across different HR groups further complicated document tracking, security, and process uniformity.

The solution:

To address these challenges, the retailer adopted Iron Mountain's HR document management solutions, automating HR document processing, centralising data storage, and unifying disparate workflows. This adoption also ensured data security for sensitive employee information and provided tailored support for a seamless transition to the new system.

Iron Mountain's solution for a major south american retailer's HR challenges

The challenge:

A major South American retail conglomerate faced significant HR challenges. With tens of thousands of employees and a high turnover rate, among other factors, managing a mix of physical and electronic documents-yielded inefficiencies. The retailer’s sub-optimally structured HR operations led to delayed document processing, lack of embedded business rule structures, and inefficient handling of layoffs and terminations — contributing to substantial legal costs.

The solution:

The retailer implemented Iron Mountain’s HR solutions to streamline its record management. This resulted in the retailer integrating information across five separate systems, automating escalation notices, and improving document retrieval. It also enabled secure cloud access, automated workflows, eSignature integration, and compliance with legal retention obligations — enhancing both HR performance management while also strengthening the company’s legal standing.

The Iron Mountain solution: Featured HR information management solutions

Look into the various HR information management solutions offered by Iron Mountain. Learn about how your organisation’s HR department can personally benefit.

Secure Shredding

Iron Mountain’s Secure Shredding offers comprehensive destruction of sensitive HR documents and materials in a safe, compliant manner. This service includes the shredding of paper files, plastics, and various media, ensuring data security and regulatory alignment. Iron Mountain’s Secure Shredding is an eco-friendly solution and offers a more secure solution than standard office shredders.
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Asset Lifecycle Management

Iron Mountain's IT Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) services focus on data security, environmental sustainability, and ultimately maximising ROI. It includes data centre decommissioning, ITAD for corporate devices, and workplace IT asset management. The service encompasses end-to-end HR data protection, asset management, and disposal, with a strong emphasis on data sanitisation, recycling, and value recovery from retired assets.
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Secure Storage

Iron Mountain's Records and Information Management service offers secure, compliant offsite storage for physical documents, including transportation, archiving, indexing, and easy retrieval. It helps free up space in your HR department and protects important documents from hazards like fire or flooding. Additionally, Iron Mountain can meet specialised storage needs, including climate-controlled environments, and offers digitisation for easy access to digital copies of stored documents.
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Clean Start

Iron Mountain's Clean Start program assists in transforming and optimising workspaces by reducing real estate costs and facilitating digital transformation. This service includes assessment, decluttering, and reorganising of office spaces, focusing on removing unnecessary items, such as outdated IT assets and room-consuming furniture. It facilitates secure destruction or donation of unwanted items, and storage solutions for necessary ones, aiming to create a more efficient and purpose-specific work environment.
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Iron Mountain InSight is a content services platform that leverages Machine Learning (ML) to feature actionable business insights and predictive analytics. It classifies both physical and digital information, adding structure and metadata, thus enhancing data usability. This process enables improved governance and workflow, facilitating secure, collaborative access across various business lines for better decision-making.
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Smart Sort

Iron Mountain Smart Sort assists organisations in efficiently managing paper files by sorting and reorganising them based on destruction dates, categories, or specific needs. This service simplifies record management, reduces storage costs, and minimises compliance risks, ensuring only necessary records are retained and easily accessible.
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