Retention schedule optimisation: meeting today’s and tomorrow’s needs

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Maintaining compliant retention schedules requires keeping pace with the ever-evolving landscape of record and data management.

17 November 202260 minsUnlock All Premium Resources
Retention Schedule Optimisation: Meeting Today’s and Tomorrow’s Needs

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The world of record and data management is continually evolving. You need to keep pace with these changes to ensure your retention schedules are compliant.

During this 30 minute conversation, Ren Leming, Managing Director, Informu Solutions and Chair of IRMS; Elizabeth Adkins, Director of Information Governance, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP; and Andrea Lorette, Information Governance Lead, Northern Health British Columbia explores the following:

  • Clarifying the complex relationship between data and records
  • Including rules for data retention through its lifecycle
  • Adhering to data localisation laws and regulations
  • Who to engage with within your organisation to build an “all inclusive” schedule

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