Solve and Evolve: Houd regie over u informatiebeheer, zodat u toekomstgericht kunt groeien

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Vaak staan alleen al de basisuitdagingen van informatiebeheer in de weg bij het afronden van uw taken en doorgroei in de organisatie. Zo bestaan er ook uitdagingen die uw organisatie belemmeren om toekomstgericht te groeien.

Solve and Evolve: Houd regie over u informatiebeheer, zodat u toekomstgericht kunt groeien

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Vaak staan alleen al de basisuitdagingen van informatiebeheer in de weg bij het afronden van uw taken en doorgroei in de organisatie. Zo bestaan er ook uitdagingen die uw organisatie belemmeren om toekomstgericht te groeien.

Gedurende het jaar 2018 hebben we deze uitdagingen verkend in een vierdelige webinar reeks. Centraal stonden de vragen: wat zijn de belangrijkste uitdagingen en nieuwe trends; en hoe ontwrichten die het informatiebeheer en het dagelijks bestuur? De onderwerpen waren:

  • Informatiecyclus management
  • Digitale transformatie
  • Fusies, overnames en afsplitsingen
  • Machine learning en kunstmatige intelligentie

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Often, even the simple, basic challenges of information management get in the way of completing your tasks and advancing within the organization. There are also challenges that hinder your organization from future-oriented growth.

We explored these challenges in a webinar series. The central questions were: what are the most important challenges and new trends; and how do they disrupt information management and daily management? The following challenges have been addressed:

  • Information cycle management
  • Digital transformation
  • Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence

In this eBook we delve deeper into these challenges and how 'Solve and Evolve' allows you to maintain control over these processes.

Information Cycle Management

The situation

To continue to comply with laws and regulations, information must be managed properly. This requires a well-thought-out strategy: from creation to destruction of documents. This reduces legal and compliance risks and optimizes the usability and value of information.

How do you start 'solve and evolve'?

Information managers must take a comprehensive approach. This has five steps to ensure that all life cycle phases are actually carried out in accordance with policy by people, processes and technologies.

  1. Creation: Information must first be created, identified and described in accordance with the metadata standard that a company maintains.
  2. Use: Information must be available to the people or applications that need it to support the company's objectives and legal obligations.
  3. Retention: The information used must be kept in a secure storage location for as long as necessary and according to internal and external requirements.
  4. Protection: Stored information must be protected to ensure its accuracy and authenticity to meet regulatory, operational, or business intelligence and archiving requirements.
  5. Destruction: Information that is no longer needed must be systematically destroyed or moved to an archive.

“Communicate as early as possible what exactly the expectations are regarding the management of the information cycle. Ensure that the management processes are followed correctly: if necessary, offer people basic training or refresher courses.”

John Kellaway
Records Program Manager Liberty Mutual Insurance

Document and information management in the cloud

The situation

Digital transformation is the future for many organizations. But for information managers, the cloud brings many uncertainties: security, regulatory compliance, organization and even third-party SLAs.

How do you start 'solve and evolve'?

The local information management strategies must also be applied in the cloud. So information manager teams must work with IT to develop a cloud strategy that:

  1. Ensures that the information database in the cloud is suitable for clearly storing, regularly checking and adequately deleting data.
  2. To enable interoperability between the different blueprints, the enterprise architecture includes frameworks and interfaces.
  3. Recognizes the type of content, and how and when it is needed to be accessed.
  4. Garant stands for a future-proof design of the cloud environment that takes into account changes in data management and compliance with laws and regulations.
  5. Has insight into the user community: who needs access to content and how it is used.
  6. Fits into the existing framework of operations and management, which provides clarity about access, distribution to third parties and removal.

“Most organizations, both public and private, including Iron Mountain, are adopting a 'cloud first' strategy today. As more and more information is created, processed, extracted and managed in the cloud, RIM professionals must clearly understand the risks and benefits associated with it.”

Sue Trombley
Managing Director, Thought Leadership Iron Mountain