Information policy

Håndtering Av Informasjonsplan

En vei til effektiv, kostnadseffektiv og overensstemmende informasjonsstyring.

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Managing the information lifecycle is vital to the functional health of any organization. From creation to use to disposition, every step of the information lifecycle requires planning and processes to ensure order and prevent chaos. The primary tool in digital and physical information life-cycle management is a records retention schedule. At the most fundamental level a retention schedule dictates how long to keep documents according to the state, federal and industrial regulations that apply to your organization.

Increasing privacy concerns and stringent laws like the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) elevate the need for privacy and retention to be managed together. Doing so provides you with a unified view of your organization’s personal data and related obligations so you can dispose of personally identifiable information (PII) as soon as possible and reduce unnecessary exposure to data breaches.

The Policy Center solution® Iron Mountain is a retention and privacy policy management platform that provides a unified view to keep your retention and privacy policy management connected, current and compliant.

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