From console to cloud: gaming infrastructure solution guide

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Download this solution guide to learn more about the current challenges drives, and opportunities for Gaming infrastructure:

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This IMDC solution overview sets out the key drivers behind the major platform shift currently taking place in the gaming industry, covering the streaming arms race, partnerships/ supply chain opportunities and edge requirements, with a particular focus on the role of colocation.
Download this eBook to learn more about the current challenges, drivers and opportunities for Gaming infrastructure.

In this guide we discuss:

  • The drivers behind major platform shifts
  • The streaming arms race
  • Partnerships & supply chain opportunities
  • The role of colocation in all of this

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This IMDC solution overview sets out the key drivers behind the major platform shift currently taking place in the gaming industry, covering the streaming arms race, partnerships/ supply chain opportunities and edge requirements, with a particular focus on the role of colocation.
Download this eBook to learn more about the current challenges, drivers and opportunities for Gaming infrastructure.

In this guide we discuss:

  • The drivers behind major platform shifts
  • The streaming arms race
  • Partnerships & supply chain opportunities
  • The role of colocation in all of this