Find the Information You Need Faster: Bringing Dark Data to Light with IDP

Blogs and Articles

State and local governments possess an extensive volume of data, an essential element necessary to transform citizen services. However, many times this data can be inaccessible, or locked away in varying formats, systems, and silos. Commonly referred to as “dark data,” this unstructured data can pose a huge burden to agency personnel, when in reality, it could be their most strategic asset.

January 29, 20245 mins
Why Data Centers Need Green Power Now

Making the most of your data

Government leaders should prioritize bringing their dark data to light – a crucial step in building a robust digital foundation. With this digital infrastructure, state and local agencies can:
3 people

Enhance total experience: Citizen and Employee


Explore using generative AI

safety and security

Comply with data privacy and security


See higher cost savings, return on investment (ROI) and stronger outcomes

legal 1

Eliminate government process backlogs


Use data analytics and qualitative information to streamline critical tasks

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Iron Mountain helps Wisconsin City uncover data across 13 departments

A big city in Wisconsin was drowning in data across thirteen city departments, including Administration, Public Works and Human Resources. They approached Iron Mountain for assistance with digitizing over six million records across the departments. Iron Mountain InSight® solution provided the capability to digitize contracts, facility drawings, human resources, property and financial records, while also indexing each record according to the requirements of each department. As a result of the project, the city has reduced the fulfillment time for record requests with increased quality, improved reporting capabilities. The City realized significant cost reduction while increasing visibility to valuable information. The city strives to further expand the platform to include AI/ML capabilities, workflow automation and expansion to all 600 employees.

Aerial View of Winconsin

Getting started

The Iron Mountain InSight® IDP solution is helping state and local governments uncover their valuable data. Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, Iron Mountain InSight® IDP advances organizations’ digitalization and data accessibility journey by identifying key fields on each record and digitally captures data as files move through the IDP digitization process.

With one touch, data in documents becomes valuable information – to be searched, queried and used in applications that enable automated workflows. As your agency continues on the digital transformation journey to establish its digital foundation,  consider automating your data capture to more efficiently streamline the digitalization process, thereby maximizing the full value of your strategic agency information.