Digitize paper health records

Solution Guides

Iron Mountain Paperless Healthcare solution unifies patient data to accelerate data-driven healthcare insights, and reduce records management costs while improving patient data security and compliance with GDPR and other regulations.

July 31, 20246 mins
Doctor on laptop

Healthcare provider challenge

Providers worldwide face deep shortages of clinicians. The World Health Organization (WHO) projects a shortfall of 10 million health workers by 2030.1 Burnout contributes to the labor shortage, with nearly half of US physicians stating that they have experienced burnout in the past two years.2 Healthcare data is growing exponentially, with providers generating roughly 137 terabytes every day, 80% of which is estimated to be unstructured.3 Providers are looking for ways to reduce costs while improving access to care.


For most healthcare providers, patient records are created and managed across physical and digital formats, making it difficult to get an accurate view of a patient’s whole health record. These silos can lead to potential discrepancies between patient files and delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Healthcare providers can have multiple locations that all handle patient records differently. Manual data input and document management, combined with duplicate care and transition errors caused by poor data quality, take significant time from healthcare staff and create inefficiencies that drive up costs.

In addition, healthcare providers are required to comply with GDPR along with a multitude of other compliance regulations. Data breach incidents are expensive, with the average cost at $10.93 million for the healthcare industry.4

1 World Health Organization, Health workforce, accessed July 2024.
2 Deloitte, 2024 Global health care sector outlook, accessed July 2024.
3 HealthTech Magazine, How to navigate structured and unstructured data as a healthcare organization, May 2023.
4 IBM, Cost of a data breach report 2023, accessed July 2024.

What if you could

Adopting a unified, secure platform for both digital native and digitized healthcare information would allow you to overcome these challenges by:

  • Integrating critical healthcare information from various formats to reduce errors and enable fast, actionable healthcare insights based on the best available information
  • Reducing manual records management to increase efficiency and lower operational costs
  • Protecting patient data and optimizing information management to lower the cost of compliance

Unify physical and digital records for high-impact healthcare

Iron Mountain Paperless Healthcare solution is a software as a service (SaaS) offering that combines scanning of physical healthcare documents and digital document storage, collaboration, and sharing in our secure InSight® Digital Experience Platform (DXP). The InSight DXP platform grows with your business needs as we offer a comprehensive platform enabling you to expand your capabilities as your requirements change, including the ability to increase digital storage, number of users, and functionality, such as workflow automation.

The solution can help you ingest, process, and unify physical and digital patient records, so you can find critical information faster and deliver high quality patient care. This can transform your organization by helping you:

  • Unify your patient data: Digitize and consolidate your critical healthcare information for a unified view of a patient’s data so you can easily search and access your information in one place to make better decisions regarding patient health.
  • Optimize provider operations: Reduce burden and burnout on your staff with standardized and automated processes that free up their time, allowing them to focus on more personalized patient care while lowering provider operational costs.
  • Protect patient data: Digitization with Iron Mountain has an auditable chain of custody and role-based access controls allow InSight DXP users to view and download only what they should, keeping your patient data safe and streamlining compliance across your network.