What is an internet exchange?

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Our data centers house some of the world's leading internet exchanges, including AMS-IX, LINX and DE-CIX.

November 16, 20223 mins
Data Center Internet Exchange

Exchanging traffic via peering improves performance and gives you instant reach, redundancy and network choice at the same time as reducing costs, improving latency and security. It also provides you with greater network visibility and control.

Our data centers house some of the world’s leading internet exchanges, including AMS-IX, LINX and DE-CIX. You can access thousands of networks, open up new markets, increase control and drive more business opportunities via a single port connection.

You can also access major strategic internet exchange points from a dedicated port within our Meet-Me-Rooms, via our Metro Wave, Private Network Transport or through one of our Software Defined Network (SDN) partners.

And you can quickly and easily set up private peering relationships with any partner in Iron Mountain’s extensive global ecosystem. You can find all details about our connectivity offerings here.