Powering your content with AI whitepaper

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A 10-minute guide to artificial intelligence in content services platforms

Digital transformation concept

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With artificial intelligence (AI) now becoming one of the hottest topics in technology, we are at an unprecedented time in the area of information management and, in particular, Content Services. Never has a particular technology held so much promise and, yet so much hype and misunderstanding.

This “10-minute” guide, explores the rapidly evolving role that AI and machine learning (ML) technologies play in content management. The paper reviews some available AI offerings and their practical application for enabling better access to critical information. Discover real-world use cases and how early-adopters get business value out of these technologies.

This guide will help you understand the critical enterprise considerations for getting started with AI and Content Services.


The challenge of Content and the Promise of AI

Content – in all of its various forms – has long been a challenge from an information management perspective. It can be nearly impossible to find due to inadequate and inconsistent metadata attributes, limited search functionality within core business applications, and disconnected repositories/systems.

In a recent survey of UK financial services companies, 80% of respondents indicated that their systems were not fully integrated and their organizations had an average of nine different content management systems in place. Further, employees at these organizations spend almost one hour, every day, simply looking for the information that they need to do their jobs – that’s a 15% loss in productivity.