Federal government
Legacy records management solutions for the public sector
Finding the value of your legacy records with Iron Mountain Government Solutions
Managing legacy records, which are often stored in boxes or on shelves with mixed record types and varying destruction eligibility dates, is challenging. This can lead to over-retention, increased costs, and unnecessary risks, hindering your agency’s data storage objectives and digital transformation goals.
Whether onsite or at one of our 423 facilities nationwide with 13 NARA compliant, Iron Mountain Government Solutions has the public sector expertise to transform any government agency’s end-to-end information management modernization journey.

Get smart about legacy records cleanup with Smart Records Cleanup Suite
Smart Assign
Smart Assign automatically assigns record classification codes according to your agency’s records retention schedule.
For more information, check out the Smart Assign solution guide.
Smart Reveal
Smart Reveal takes purposeful photographs of each box so that your agency can understand the contents and make informed decisions about the next steps.
For more information, check out the Smart Reveal solution guide.
Smart Sort
Smart Sort technology reorganizes your files according to destruction eligibility, category, association, or whatever your agency requires—regardless of record storage location.
For more information, check out the Smart Sort solution guide.
Not sure where to start?
With Iron Mountain Government Solutions’ FADGI-complaint digitization services, defensible records governance and clean up, and NARA-compliant storage solutions, our experts are ready to assist you at any stage of your agency’s legacy records cleanup.